Top Censored Stories of 2013
- Project Censored is a website that puts out unreported or under reported news items. The site is definitely a mixed bag and can drift toward conspiracy theory turf. Still it generally the work of good journalists and can be a wonderful first step toward breaking the bubble of corporate media group think. What follows is their editors’ collection of the top 25 unreported stories of 2012.
- 1. Signs of an Emerging Police State
- 2. Oceans in Peril
- 3. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Worse than Anticipated
- 4. FBI Agents Responsible for Majority of Terrorist Plots in the United States
- 5. First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions Loaned to Major Banks
- 6. Small Network of Corporations Run the Global Economy
- 7. 2012: The International Year of Cooperatives
- 8. NATO War Crimes in Libya
- 9. Prison Slavery in Today’s USA
- 10. HR 347 Would Make Many Forms of Nonviolent Protest Illegal
- 11. Members of Congress Grow Wealthier Despite Recession
- 12. US Joins Forces with al-Qaeda in Syria
- 13. Education “Reform” a Trojan Horse for Privatization
- 14. Who Are the Top 1 Percent and How Do They Earn a Living?
- 15. Dangers of Everyday Technology
- 16. Sexual Violence against Women Soldiers on the Rise and under Wraps
- 17. Students Crushed By One Trillion Dollars in Student Loans
- 18. Palestinian Women Prisoners Shackled during Childbirth
- 19. New York Police Plant Drugs on Innocent People to Meet Arrest Quotas
- 20. Stealing from Public Education to Feed the Prison-Industrial Complex
- 21. Conservatives Attack US Post Office to Break the Union and Privatize Postal Services
- 22. Wachovia Bank Laundered Money for Latin American Drug Cartels
- 23. US Covers up Afghan Massacre
- 24. Alabama Farmers Look to Replace Migrants with Prisoners
- 25. Evidence Points to Guantánamo Dryboarding
January 4, 2013