10 Questions for “Right to Life” Activists
Here in Texas an anti-choice bill is supposed to pass today that will close down all but 5 of our reproductive clinics. It will be a sad day for poor rural women in Texas. I realize that the people behind this bill are sincere and have no idea of the pain they are unleashing, but if I could I would ask “Pro-life” activists the following questions:
- Where were your “Right to Life” protests when these Texas Republicans slashed social programs that might actually make it possible for a poor woman to raise a child? How can you call yourself “Pro-life” if you are against providing the necessities for life?
- Have you ever noticed that almost all of the physical violence in this struggle comes from your side? When someone is shot, or a building is bombed it is almost always by a “Pro-life” activist. If your movement is really about promoting life how is that possible?
- Did you know that red curtain on your abortion poster is actually the uterus of a woman and from that angle, you don’t know anything about what she is going through in her life?
- You always talk about your religious freedom, have you ever thought that the rest of us might have a right not to have your religion crammed down our throat?
- Have you ever noticed that religious denominations teaching that a woman should not be allowed to make her own reproductive decisions, also teach that she should submit to her husband and should not be a leader in the church? Is it possible you have control issues?
- Did you know that, if Jesus didn’t mention a subject, you are being dishonest to say it is a Christian issue?
- Do you not realize that when you stop trying to restrict a woman’s right abortion, prochoice people will join you trying to make abortion less common through education and birth control?
- Do you know that when abortion is made illegal in any nation, septic abortion becomes a number one killer of women?
- Did you know that contrary to much of your literature, raped women actually do get pregnant?
- Did you know that to be genuinely “Pro-life” we must affirm life not as we wish it would be, but as it actually is with all it’s ambiguity and agonizing choices.
11. Have you ever stood outside a clinic holding a sign saying “I will love your child. Please let me adopt?”
12. Have you ever priced daycares? Have you noticed churches provide some of the most expensive care?
13. Did you know a Jim Crown law is a law designed to make practicing a federally given right especially difficult to exercise?
14. Have you noticed abortion often happens due to a lack of alternatives?
15. Have you noticed unprotected, teenage sex happens for the same reasons?
16. Are you passing laws on day that cause abortion and then trying to outlaw abortion the next?
17. And finally, Rick Perry – Pharisee or Disciple? Be honest 🙂
These are really good questions and I reposted them on my page. I particularly relate to #’s 7 and 8. I also think some of the questions are a little inflammatory and might be reworded.
1. I will be there to try to help restore sanity to legislators who slash social programs for the poor.
2. It took one google search to find “pro choice violence”–#2 is moot is comes from both sides:http://www.prochoiceviolence.com/
3. I do not know what the “red curtain ” is….but whatever is going on in her life pales in comparison to being sucked through a 1/10th inch tube.
4. Please explain how I am cramming my religion down your throat. Laws do legislate morality, like such morals as “created equal”.
5. I am Catholic, so I think you are talking about my religion. The ideals expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church are guidelines for husband and wife, to serve each other as Christ served us. Christ conferred the authority of the Church to Peter, not his mother or any other woman present. The Church’s teaching on reproductive issues and sexual morality is designed for the protection of the soul, and has nothing to do with the snarky comment about control issues.
6. Jesus Christ brought the message to “Love God above all else, and love one another as yourselves.” Scraping a human being out of a woman is not “loving”, it is murder. Jesus did not mention the right for women to vote, either.
7. The Texas bill only restricts the woman’s ability to kill a living human being, and the continued support for birth control and education is appreciated.
8. I could not find facts to support this claim.
9. Rape is a tragedy unto itself. Carrying the baby to term might have many benefits to the mother in terms of seeing something beautiful result from such a violation. There are many views to one situation:
There can be no question that, for some women, an abortion would be far more traumatic than having a rape-conceived child.
10. There is no ambiguity in murder. The cells at conception are human material. They multiply into a human being. So, in dealing with tough choices, we have to deal with the truth–and the truth of the matter of abortion is that it kills a human being. Yes, undeveloped, but a human being. Attempts to de-humanize the being as a zygote, is a denial of the truth that the being in the womb is human.
Alan, we disagree but I appreciate you taking so much time to present your viewpoint. I will post it.