So, unless there is a presidential pardon, 25 year old Bradley Manning will spend at least the next seven years in prison, and possibly, the next 35. But the big story is not about Manning. The big story isn’t even about the leaders who ordered the torture and other war crimes revealed by Manning who will live in mansions while the whistleblower rots in jail. The big story will be what you and I chose to do about this. Will we demand transparency in government, or will we continue to lay bricks in a wall that will someday be our prison?
Jim, I think a strong message should have been sent to those who mistreated Manning in custody. Perhaps they should have given Manning a long sentence as a message against those who violate security (although I think Manning was whistle blowing and should be rewarded, not punished) then given Manning credit for the full sentence for the way he was treated to send a message that we don’t tolerate that, either. 8/22/13, 08:10 CDT.
Bob, that is a very important point. I also wish we would investigate the war crimes revealed by the leak.
Agreed. If only we could. 8/25/13, 07:45 CDT