Source of all life and being,
We pray for the members of our human family who, in your name, place the good of their own nation over the good of your entire human family.
Please forgive those who, in your name, blaspheme immigrants, non-Christians and others born in your sacred image.
Forgive those who have turned bearing false witness into an art form. Deliver them from pseudoscience, slander, propaganda and every other form of lying.
We pray for those who, in Christ’s name, preach against turning the other cheek, forgiving our enemies, clothing the naked or dividing up the whole world fairly.
Deliver your church from the belief that might makes right, that goods needed by all should be hoarded by the few, or that anyone holds the copyright on your sacred love.
Deliver us all from the idolatry of flags and crosses.
If we call you our parent, may we see every human being as your beloved child. If we say we love America, may we therefore seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for EVERY person.
We pray this prayer in all the sacred names of love,