I vow not to let anything that happens this day rob me of my wisdom and inner peace. I will not let any accident of fortune define me, nor deter me from my duty to my human family and to the web of life.

I will not waste this day obsessively wishing I had lived in better times. I will not dwell on my past mistakes. I will not become so obsessed by fighting evil that I forget true justice is love that has grown to include everyone.

I will be a faithful candle in this time of midnight. When there is no light around me, I will be that light. I will strive to treat every ignorant word as an opportunity to teach, every unfortunate event as a chance to learn, and every happy moment as an opportunity to be grateful.

I will remember that rest and self care are essential for giving my best gift to others. I will offer my gift, however small, and do my best not to fret about that which is beyond my control. I will not turn the gift of serving my human family into a dreary burden.

And, should I break any part of my vow, as I inevitably will, I will not give the last word to remorse or shame. Time and time again I will return to my path with wisdom, peace and joy.