You are the light of the world. Do not allow yourself to be defined by current circumstances. Do not let what is happening externally eclipse the sun in your own heart.
When confronted with ignorance and immaturity, do not ridicule. Instead, provide a dignified example of what it means to be human. You can expose lies without sinking to the level of petty squabbles. Remember that, in a contest of throwing dung, the biggest monkey will always win.
If current conditions seem barren and without hope, resolve to plant new seeds for the future. Refuse to be defined by the present moment. When feeling helpless, focus on whatever small matters you can control. Those small acts will provide points of leverage for bigger things.
When surrounded by cruelty, find a community within which you can be gentle and kind.
Never co-operate with systems of domination. Step out of every hateful mob. When confronted with failure, focus on the infinite worth of every human being. Discard the false scales of capitalism, national narcissism and religious indoctrination. Being radically and universally human is your invincible source of resistance against all that is inhuman.
Resolve to resist cruelty every day of the rest of your life and even with your dying breath. Do not be overly proud of victory nor overly ashamed of defeat. Be ever grateful that you have found a path that will give your gift to your human family and to the web of life. Your one instruction in this time of darkness is to shine.