Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister and a lifelong Republican. By 2007, the party had changed so dramatically that Fox & Friends aired a segment where one of the hosts said Fred Rogers was “an evil, evil man.”
According to Snopes the commentary to the FOX segment said:
“These experts are saying that the kids of today who grew up with Mr. Rogers were told by him, ‘You’re special, just for being who you are.” Well, here’s the problem [that] gets lost in that whole self-business, and the idea that being hard and having high issues for yourself is discounted. Mr. Rogers’ message was, “You’re special because you’re you.” He didn’t say, “If you want to be special, you’re going to have to work hard,” and now all these kids are growing up and they’re realizing, ‘Hey wait a minute, Mr. Rogers lied to me, I’m not special — I’m trying hard, and I’m not getting anywhere.’”
Joanne Rogers, Mr. Roger’s widow said of the MAGA movement, “We have somebody leading us right now who is not a forgiver. His values are very, very different from Fred’s values – almost completely opposite.”
I can understand how rabid capitalists might claim that mercy is a weakness and that diversity, equity and inclusion weaken the nation; but, for the life of me I cannot understand how any Christian could make those claims without blushing.
Loving those who are different and redistributing the world’s goods are ESSENTIAL teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. In Luke, the Beatitudes not only comfort the poor, but also warn those who have hoarded the world’s goods:
“But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.” Woe to you who are well-fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
I believe the Beatitudes were Jesus’ way of assuring the oppressed that they were loved of God and warning those who did not do justice to their entire human family would discover themselves to be to be hungry of heart and internally bankrupt.
Jesus taught a love that does justice. The church becomes an Anti-Christ when it mocks as “woke” who would care about justice in our day. Donald Trump is tragically wrong and Mr. Rogers is eternally right. Love must grow into justice because the entire world is our neighborhood.