Why is it that clergy who most often speak for Jesus are the least likely to apply anything Jesus actually said in the Sermon on the Mount? Why must they “prove” their cruel form of Christianity by referring to other verses of scripture Jesus never said?
Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount ”judge not,” yet these clergy preach that America will be destroyed by an angry God if we do not sit in judgement of the LGBTQ community or whoever they are currently using as scapegoats for their anger.
Jesus said turn the other cheek” yet these clergy call nonviolent men “beta” and say Christian men must seize power over this land. And, even though they are conservative in insisting on first-century ethics, they are equally liberal in allowing for the deadly weapons of today to force the “love” of their god upon the world.
While Jesus specifically said he had come to preach good news to the poor, these clergy attack any call to economic justice as “woke” or even as “communist.” Their God is nationalist and capitalist but is no friend to the poor like Jesus’ was.
It is time for every Christian of good will to leave any church that preaches judgment and cruelty. When Jesus called God his “parent” he was also affirming that humanity was his family. If the world is to be saved, it will not be by judgmental churches but by communities that walk the path of love.
And justice is simply love applied to everybody.