Before you write that response saying that my last post was hypocritical because I am “judging the judger,” let me save you some time. Stopping a bully is not bullying. No one is doing to you what you are doing to GLBT people. If someone tries to violate your basic human rights, I will stand right by you in your defense, but you do not have a right to live other people’s lives for them, and you are not being oppressed when people stop you from doing so.
Your happiness is as important to me as anyone else’s. I will stand by you if you are oppressed as much as I would for a gay person. I realize it is a time of tremendous social upheaval. I know you are just trying to stand up for what you believe is right. You are just trying to hold society together, but we cannot do that by leaving others out of the justice equation. Just as white people had to give up their simplistic biblical understanding of slavery to be fair to people of color, so do we straight people need to give up the simplistic biology of scripture if we are going to be fair to people who have been born to love differently than ourselves.
I will stand with anyone who is oppressed, by others , as Human Rights, are, Human Rights. Thank you Jim Rigby~ Faced and tweeted:)- XO
I run up against wall with some who say that a cultural statement that it is ok with God and man for homosexuals to have equal rights is “oppressing” them in that it interferes with their “right” to raise their children in way they think is best for those children. And their they stand saying they are oppressed by my having equal rights. I have been round and round with them about this and do admit to them that yes it will be hard to raise a child to think that it is “wrong” or “not “the ideal” when most of the culture says it is OK. But we do that with many things—-and they say, scarily, well, maybe that should change. The seeds of theocracy is the backlash.
One of the most frustrating/enraging things I’ve been seeing from the anti-same-sex marriage groups has been their co-opting of civil rights language, as if allowing same-sex marriage (or other LGBT rights) would somehow mean they were being oppressed. It’s interesting you mention slavery, as one of the things I’ve seen from these groups is to equate themselves to slaves…as though preventing same-sex marriage is actually the same as defeating slavery.
The cynical part of me says they must know how twisted this logic is, and that they use it just to try to get more people to agree with them (that same-sex marriage would oppress Christians). But then maybe they actually do believe it…that stopping them from oppressing others is the same as oppressing them.
There are bullies and there are bullies who dare to call themselves “Christian” but in reality there are no “Christian” bullies becuase by its very vile nature bullying is so inherently contrary to the Person and Message of Jesus that it is blasphemy! The Enemy or the Father of Lies as Evil is called in Scripture knows that the most effective evil is evil done in the Name of what is Holy and Loving and Good. IF you encounter such persons call them what they are after all Jesus had no problem doing so and then rebuke them in His Name. Who knows maybe the rebuke will cause an Theophany!