Well, I’m back from writing leave. This Sunday I’ll begin the sermon series on “Strange Places in the Bible.” In the series we’ll look at some places in the Bible most liberal preachers just ignore because they’re so terrible. This week we’ll look at Genesis 3:1-7 where the “fall” is traditionally blamed on Eve. That’s the easy part. Then we’ll turn to 1 Timothy 2:8-15 where the author tells women to shut up in church and not try to be leaders because the fall was Eve’s fault. In the series we’ll think about the question, “What do we do with those parts of the Bible that no intelligent person can believe and no decent person can obey?” Thanks for all the suggestions. If I live, I’ll give a report.
Aw, shucks! Every year I look forward to your August sermons because you come back from your break really “on”! I may have to miss this Sunday, and it sounds like it will be great! I guess I’ll have to watch it online later…and I bet they will let you live, so you’ll be able to report back online 🙂
Thank you Tamra. It will be good to see you whenever ya’ll get back.
I just discovered your blog through a link on The Good Men Project website. Your posts are so interesting and thought-provoking that now I’m hooked. And I can’t wait to hear the report on how it went with the “Blaming Eve” message…assuming you lived through it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
Susan, thank you so much. I forgot about posting the Eve sermon, but I’ll try to do that today. Thank you for reading the blog.