People have asked me to post news coming out of my denomination’s national meeting this week. Unfortunately, a denomination living in the past can’t produce news. Some are celebrating that our denomination almost did the right thing on gay marriage and celebrating how far we’ve come to lose by such a narrow margin, but I refuse to report on a dinosaur race. Instead, I am sharing a New York Times story that really is news. The head of Exodus International has renounced his group’s claim that sexual orientation can be changed.
“But the ex-gay movement has been convulsed as the leader of Exodus, in a series of public statements and a speech to the group’s annual meeting last week, renounced some of the movement’s core beliefs. Alan Chambers, 40, the president, declared that there was no cure for homosexuality and that “reparative therapy” offered false hopes to gays and could even be harmful. His statements have led to charges of heresy and a growing schism within the network.”
Not really news. It’s been coming round to this for some time. Just making the major news media now, though, I suppose. Most of the ex-gay ministries will be forced to go this way, as some others already have.
Not sure this is any less dinosaurish, either. Almost gay marriage is a lot more the modern era than renouncing reparative therapy but still insisting gay sex is sin.