There are Christians who believe a soul is implanted in the fertilized egg at conception.
I’m not sure about the physics of all of that. I don’t know if angels are watching human beings make love with tweezers nearby in case a soul needs to be implanted. But, I’m a live and let live kind of guy, so whatever people want to believe is their own business.
Where I draw the line is when people want to impose their religious imaginings onto others through restrictive laws. What if somebody believed that the soul is implanted in the teeth? What if pro-life activists accused dentists of being baby killers whenever they extracted a tooth?
Yes, it sounds crazy, but think about this: There is no more evidence that a soul is implanted in a womb than for one gestating in a tooth. What people believe for themselves is one thing, but democracy demands a filter protecting each of us from the magical thinking of the rest.
Religion that imposes its beliefs on others is a cancer to a democratic republic. Bullying religion is also a a rejection of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus taught that the goal of his religion was to love. He told his followers to be good neighbors even if they had to break the rules of orthodox religion to do it. Religion that will not be a good neighbor to non-Christians is a cancer to the republic AND to the gospel. No one is attacking your freedom of religion by wanting to be free from your religious crusades and inquisitions.
People have a right to believe you do not speak for God even if you quote verses from the Bible. To be free FOR their own religion (or lack thereof) people need to be free FROM everyone else’s religion, including yours.