Literalism is a tag on the toe of dead religion.
To insist that the events of scripture are of no worth unless they physically happened is the very essence of materialistic philosophy even when said in defense of the faith.
A playful religion is the cradle of spirituality, as orthodox religion is its tomb.
A God that must be defended is already dead.
Ok, this is a little strange but true story. Years ago I was driving down Preston Road in Dallas to First Unitarian Universalist of Dallas for a meeting. My youngest daughter was with me in a car seat. I stopped for a red light. Suddenly I saw a squirrel dart across the wire holding up the traffic. He stopped just over the light and casually bent over and stuck his head in the top light. Then he turned around and walked back. In that instant I thought, that’s God.
That should read, holding up the traffic light. By the way, that daughter is now 38, married and the mom of our two young grandsons.