Rev. Jane Adams Spahr has been the national symbol for the acceptance of gays and lesbian Christians in the Presbyterian Church for decades. Several years back, Rev. Spahr was called out of retirement to stand trial for performing same sex marriages. This weekend the Permanent Judicial Committee of the Presbyterian Church will meet in San Antonio to give a final verdict on a case that will set precedent for years to come. On Saturday evening and Sunday morning Rev. Spahr will be in Austin and available for interviews.
On Saturday evening at 6:00pm St. Andrew’s Presbyterian will host a gumbo dinner to help Rev. Spahr with her legal fees. Then, Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Spahr, her legal team and many of the couples she has married from all over the country will be at St. Andrew’s to discuss the trial, and what the future may be in the struggle for gay and lesbian acceptance in the church.

For more information please call Rev. Jim Rigby 512-251-0698, or email