Now that liberals have won the Biblical debate on homosexuality, and the church must choose between being faithful to scripture or holding on to prejudice, guess what the church decided to give up? This is an amazing verdict. What happens when a denomination is so afraid of change that it throws its rudder at what it fears?
In agreeing with the lower-court decision to censure Rev. Spahr, the commission’s majority wrote that “being faithful to Scripture and the Constitution on other matters does not provide a defense.”
Either the majority report was trying to mislead people by implying that the Spahr case was argued on some other part of scripture, or they were saying our Book of Order now has more authority than Scripture. Either way this is one sick denomination. Why should people trying to be faithful to Christ’s message of inclusion need to be defended from the church in the first place?
When the reporter from the L.A.Times called yesterday, I was still too sad and angry to say anything profound, but, fortunately, others weren’t…
What follows is the Los Angeles Times coverage of the verdict, to read,
click here
Now that the church has cleared up that issue, I suppose it is time to go after clergy who have officiated in “mixed marriages” between Presbyterians and Jewish people, or Presbyterians and Muslims, or Presbyterians and atheists. Time to figger out exactly who needs to be excluded under the “unequally yoked” clause.
it sounds like you are on an island out there. Are you able to find people who share your commitment to justice? I’m honored that you find some of my work helpful. You must be a very brave soul.
We are sad. We are disappointed. We are embarrassed. What happens now?
Jeanne, I’m not sure what to do next. I’m trying to figure out how the congregation can get in on the conversation. Maybe a Saturday brunch and discussion. I’m open to suggestions. Thanks for writing.