It has been so wonderful to serve at a church that sees religion as a call into the struggle for human rights and not out of it. In the last few years we have had Chris Hedges, Naomi Klein, ambassadors, U.N. weapons inspectors and international figures all come to teach us about some aspect of the struggle for human rights. This coming Saturday we will have another event in that tradition.
Allan Boesak was a leading figure in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. He is also a theologian. This Saturday he will be at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church discussing religion and the struggle for liberation. After his presentation, he will be joined by the heroic State Rep. Senfronia Thompson who has waged a lifelong struggle for civil rights in Texas, and the Rev. Joseph Parker, of David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. We will discuss the struggle for human liberation particularly as it is affected for better or worse by religion.
The date is Saturday, October 6th from 1:30 to 3:30.
Our address is 14311 Wells Port, and Wells Branch, two blocks west of I-35.
Admission is free.