It is a great moment when we realize we do not need hypothetical supernatural beings to make sense of our lives. For those with eyes to see the sacred is always shining out of our ordinary moments.
The word “spirit” in Hebrew means both “breath” and “wind.” Being “spiritual” might include the realization that our personal breath is shared with every other living being on the planet.
Our individual bodies are also cells in the vast web of life. Our little lives with all their terrible problems and vain hopes can seem like mere wisps of smoke when we look up at the stars. Still, when we look at the night sky, we can also sometimes sense that we are gazing at our primordial womb, our current cathedral, and our ultimate destiny.
There are all kinds of hypothetical metaphysical possibilities that can make sense of our lives. It is a great moment when we realize we do not need any of them to experience the spiritual. Our very breath becomes spiritual when we realize we are sharing it with every other sentient being on the planet.